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You Are Rich

It’s dinner time, but I’m not really hungry. The reason is that my husband and I had lunch at a Brazilian restaurant that served unlimited servings of delicious meats. It was my first time to go and I knew I wouldn’t get my money’s worth because I am not a big meat eater. I tasted everything by sampling my husband’s plate and enjoyed the lamb immensely. Although we enjoyed the meal, I couldn’t help but feel the greed associated with having so much to eat. I’ve never been to Brazil, but I’m thinking if the country is anything like Peru, there are millions of people who live there who wouldn’t even get a meal that day and there I was eating enough for a week.

I left being reminded of how rich I am. Do you feel rich? Do you know that youare rich? Everyone who reads this email has some kind of access to a computer.That makes you rich. I live in a very affluent part of town where my belongingsjust don’t add up to the wealth around me, but I must never forget thatI am rich. I have never, ever in my life gone without a meal because I didn’thave food to eat. I don’t expect that will ever be the case in my lifehere on earth. That makes me rich.

Paul has a specific word to those of us who are rich in the world’s goods.He says: Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogantnor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hopein God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command themto do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation forthe coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. Whatgreat thoughts about being rich in the world. There is nothing better than travelingto places where people are really poor. I hope you will have that opportunityin your lifetime. I hope you can meet poor Christians. There is something veryspecial about them. James describes what I have witnessed from the testimonyof some of the poorest Christians I have ever met. Listen, my dear brothers:Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich infaith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? (James2:5) I may live among people who are rich in the things of this world, but theyare often on the verge of spiritual bankruptcy. I’ve also met people whohave absolutely nothing of comfort from this world, but their faith is so muchricher than I have ever experienced.

I like that my stomach is full and I don’t have to scramble to find foodeach day. I do feel grateful fto God that I have shelter and food and everythingI really need. I want to be rich in good deeds and generous with my money andwilling to share so that I can enjoy life that is really life. Sometimes I needto stop and take inventory of my life. I need to remember that I am rich. I needto think about the ways that I can share the gifts that have been given to me.These gifts are not just for my own comfort, but to bring comfort to others.Think about how rich you are and how you can be rich in good deeds.



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