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True Love

It’s true that I have had a lot of heartache in my life. When it comes to husbands I have been greatly blessed. When I tell people that I don’t know why God gave me two true loves in one lifetime when so many women are longing for their first true love, I really mean it. I don’t understand it.

Perhaps it stands out to me more because I talk to women all day long who wish they had a true love to walk through the pain of life. They are great Christian women who aren’t willing to be with any man. They aren’t dating like their culture tells them. They only want a man who shares their love for God. Perhaps they could get married if that is what they really wanted. They could make it happen, but in their wise self tells them, don’t settle for a man who doesn’t treat you like God wants you to be treated. And so, they remain without a life partner. They know that true love exists and they will not settle for anything less. In my observation the outstanding women are around, but the men are missing. I don’t know why. I wish I could fix it. These women have a legitimate need in their lives. They make it okay but there is a deep longing to link together on earth as a couple. We want to be a man and a woman, we want a partner—a true love.

I don’t understand the heartaches in my life either. I merely observe it. Not everyone gets true love in marriage in this fallen world. Everyone is called to experience truest of love. A fallen world enhances the experience of true love. It is the treasure, the hidden pearl that our souls thrive on experiencing. It begins when we experience the reality of God’s love for us. That moment when our souls find our true identity is that we are a dearly beloved child of God. We learn that God’s love for us does not change when we are the prodigal living in the squalor found by disobeying everything our Father told us, as much as when we come home and live in His love. When we define ourselves as a dearly beloved child of God we experience true love. It is the reality that John, the beloved disciple wrote about in 1 John 3:1: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” That is the foundation of true love.

The next step to true love is to love the world that does not see us for who we really are. True love is truest when we allow the love we have received to pour into others. We are never more aware of our true love than when we love those who reject, hurt persecute and slander us. That kind of true love is asked of every Christian. It’s hard to give, but is certainly transforming to your soul. I highly recommend this kind of true love because when you are able to love like that, you know that you are experiencing oneness with God.

I wonder who you are being asked to experience true love for in your life? I believe there is a candidate for every one of us. Take the plunge and become amazed at what you are capable of with God’s help.


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