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Trinity Sunday

I guess I have been a little out of it these past few years that I have worshipped in a liturgical church. I’ve been excited to celebrate Pentecost Sunday, but honestly never caught on to Trinity Sunday. It is celebrated the Sunday after Pentecost and celebrates the three persons of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trinity Sunday begins the ordinary season that will last until Advent, but since it is Trinity Sunday the church color is white, rather than green.

I love to learn something new and it is meaningful to me that my deeper experienceof praying to God with special attention to the three persons of the Trinityhappened the week of Pentecost Sunday to Trinity Sunday. I wrote to you lastweek how praying to our Triune God has inspired my prayer life. Have you triedto pray to God that way? How did it affect the rest of your time in prayer?

About ten years ago I learned to pray to God as my Father, my Daddy. It was adramatic breakthrough in my prayer life. I began to pray more. I wanted to praymore. I felt a deep connection to God in prayer. I began to see Him as the Onewho was always there for me, only had my best interests at heart, and knew thatI felt overwhelmed with what He asked, but He didn’t stop asking. It hasbeen amazing. I wrote a book about it, How to Really LoveGod as Your Father. I was so blessed by what happened in my prayer life thatI wanted to share it with others and inspire them to pray this way.

It’s been about ten years since I have been so inspired by a new way ofpraying. This is why you are receiving yet another devotional on this same subject.While praying to God as my Father is still valuable, I get a deeper sense ofconnection to how Almighty He really is when I take in that I am praying to Godmy Father, Jesus my Redeemer and Holy Spirit, my present help in time of need.He is my Father, but He is so much more than that.

I can’t tell you how much I want that same experience for you. I want tochallenge you to take in what you are able to know about God. You can’tunderstand Him completely, but you can understand Him better than say, Daniel,King David and all those Old Testament characters who loved Him without fullygrasping even Jesus, not to mention the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers.Do you realize how privileged we are? Do you want to feel a deeper connectionto God and His purpose for you on this earth? Do you wish you had more desireto pray, and could keep your mind on what God might want for your day a littlelonger? Try thinking of God, your Triune God, several times each day. When youlook in the clouds think of God and talk to each person of the Trinity. As youare reading your Bible and come to the word for God such as Lord or God, thinkof that verse in the context of God the Father, God the Son and God the HolySpirit.

Paul did this for us in Romans 8:15-17 when He described how uniquely we arerelated to all three persons of the Trinity—Spirit makes us sons of God,Spirit makes us cry Abba, and testifies that we are co-heirs with Christ.Thank you blessed Trinity.



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