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Aggie Just Doesn't Get It

Every week I have the same conversation. I stand in the kitchen and address my high-strung dog, Aggie, and explain to him that it is good that the lawn men are there. I know they are in the yard and I invited them to our home to cut our yard. If they didn’t come, the grass would grow very high and Aggie wouldn’t enjoy going out to play.

Every week Aggie continues to remain uptight and nervous about the yard men beingin our yard. He knows I know they are there. He can see that I am speaking tohim. He recognizes that I am calm about it. But it still does not calm him. Hethinks they are still a danger and I don’t know what I am talking about.It doesn’t seem right to him not to cause a scene at this event. He doesn’tunderstand how I can remain calm.

You see, try as I might, I have never been able to use words or expressions thatcommunicate to his heart that the yard men are really good and not a threat tohim at all. He cannot understand the words I speak to him. He knows I don’twant him to bark, but he doesn’t understand why. He may tone down his loudbark to a little whine on the outside, but not inside where it really matters.He continues to feel instinctively unhappy about the presence of these intruders.

It makes me sad for Aggie. I so wish he could understand what I know. I wishhis instincts would trust me a little more that I know when there is real troublefrom strangers and when there is not. I hate that he remains so anxious and unsettledby this weekly event.

As I watch Aggie, so unable to really hear what I am saying, I think about myselfand God. I know He speaks. I know He has a plan for all the trouble in this world.I know that He knows all of the pain every single human being has ever sufferedwho has lived on this planet. He knows far more about suffering than I do. Ihave His Word to hear what He has to say about all the things that trouble me.He tells me the same things over and over. No matter what the trouble that comesmy way, He knows that it is hard and bad but that it isn’t the end. I knowHe wants me to be calm. I know that He is calm. He never changes, whether I judgeHim, complain about Him, or complain about the people He has sent to help mein life; He keeps giving me the same message. I hear, but I don’t understandit. I get bits and pieces of it. I hear, “Don’t be anxious. I hear;I will never leave you. I know what you need and I will give it to you.” Ihear it, but I don’t believe it. If I did I would be different on the inside.I would not doubt His plan and His purpose.

Someday perhaps Aggie will learn the lesson that the men with the lawnmowersand blowers are good people and invited to our property. Perhaps he will gettoo old or too tired to follow his strong instincts and alert the whole housethat someone other than the family is present. He doesn’t have the advantageof the body/soul/spirit that I have to hear and understand God the way I can.In my soul I have an interpreter of the words of God. I have the Holy Spiritto help me listen and believe. Aggie may not get it, but I can. I can when Iturn myself over to God’s loving care and really listen to the words Heis speaking to me, believe them, and receive His peace.

Like me with Aggie, He knows that He speaks words too wonderful for me to comprehend.He doesn’t stop speaking them over and over, week after week. He wantsso much for me to know and see this life the way He sees it. He hates seeingme spinning in circles, worried and upset by so many things. Here are some wordsI can start with right now.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).

I heard that, God. I feel Your peace.

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